W.R.S Govt. College Dehri Established in 1972  Apply OnLine Admission

W.R.S Govt. College Dehri (H.P)

Contact Number 01893- 250024

To ensure community participation in developmental activities of the College, parents-teachers association (PTA) is constituted in the College. Parents are requested to attend general as well as election meeting of the College PTA. The College PTA has been formally registered under the societies Registration Act XXI of 1860.

Regular PTA Office bearer will be elected by the General House of PTA at the earliest.They will be informed through newspapers about the change of date of meeting(s), if any. In due course. The executive of the PTA will be elected during this meeting and developmetal agenda for the academic year will be discussed. While students contribute towards the PTA fund ad hence share a sese of belonging to the college and its developmental activities, the fund as recommended by the PTA goes a long way in helping the course of students, in more than one ways.the college and its developmental activities, the fund as recommended by the PTA goes a long way in helping the course of students, in more than one ways.the college and its developmental activities, the fund as recommended by the PTA goes a long way in helping the course of students, in more than one ways.


  • The previous PTA-Executive committee has already unanimously taken the following decision: Rs. 1000/-(One Thousand Only) per student in one installment at the time admission will be charged.
  • In case two brothers/two sisters/oe brother-one sister are studying in the college, then Rs. 400/- per student i.e. Rs. 800/- will be charged as PTA fund. Thus for 2/3 real brother/sister, PTA fund concession will remain @ Rs. 100/- per student.
  • Election for framing PTA executive committee for the session 2023-24 will be held on the last Sunday of August 2023 at 10.00 a.m. in the college campus and for this purose no separate cards will be sent. This information will also be provided through local press prior to the election.
  • As per PTA constitution, father/mother or guardian having blood relation with the candidate and whose photograph is duly pasted in the PTA membership form shall be allowed to participate in the PTA general house meeting. Moreover no student on college rolls shall be allowed to act as guardian, in any case.
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