W.R.S Govt. College Dehri Established in 1972  Apply OnLine Admission

W.R.S Govt. College Dehri (H.P)

Contact Number 01893- 250024

  • The first period will commence at 09.20. daily.
  • Each period shall be of 40 minutes duration. But in of B.A.I/Bsc.I and B.Com.I the length of each period shall be one hour.
  • The timetable shall run from 09.30 a.m. to 04.30 pm.
  • Change of faculty/Subject will not be allowed after 31st july 2024 or after one month of being admitted in the college.
  • (Every Student shall carry his/her identity card without fail.
  • In addition to routine class-room interaction, students and teachers will have many other fruitful interaction in the campus like seminars, tutorials, discussions on current topics, employment opportunities etc. Regularly.
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