W.R.S Govt. College Dehri Established in 1972  Apply OnLine Admission

W.R.S Govt. College Dehri (H.P)

Contact Number 01893- 250024

A student desirous of seeking admission will be required to fill the online form for registration on payment of  Rs. 50/- .

Candidates seeking admission to this college are required to note the following instruction :
  1. Detailed Marks Sheet (original) of having passed the lower examination and character certificate from the head of the Institution last attended.
  2. Two student’s passport size photograph (colored) and one copy Father/Mother/Guardian photo.
  • Every candidate will appear personally for interview at the time of admission along with his her Parents/Guardian.
  • Candidates for admission to T.D.C. part- who have passed 10+2 Examination from a board of education other than the HP Board of School Education are required to produce a Migration Certificate from the Board University from where the student has migrated. In case a student is allowed to join provisionally subject to the production of Migration Certificate or Eligibility Certificate or original period, he/she will continue his/her studies at this college entirely at his/her own risk pending registration with the H.P. University.  After completing the admission form and attaching the required copies of certificates, the students will get it checked by the “Screening Committee”, and has to deposit the form with convener of the Screening Committee.
  • The student selected for admission by the principal shall be required to deposit the college dues in full on the same day.
  • Preference will be given to the student with the first division while allowing admission to Science and Commerce Classes.
  • Outstanding Players, Speakers, Singers/Artists, Dramatists and Musicians may be given due weight age for the purpose of admission to various classes.
  • An SC/ST/OBC student is required to attach to the admission form, a certificate to this effect from a competent authority in order to obtain necessary concessions.
  • The Principal reserves the right to grant or refuse admission to any candidate.


  • It is compulsory for a failure candidate seeking admission to bring his/her father, mother (if father is not alive) or a guardian (if both are not alive), along with him at the time of interview with the Principal and no admission shall be made without their presence.
  • Those students who are placed under compartment in +12 of H.P. Board held in March 2014 are not eligible to seek admission in TDC-1.
  • Students who are placed under compartment in any Examination of another Board/University shall not apply even for provisional admission to the next higher class at the college.
  • No student shall be admitted to any class even provisionally on production of confidential Result Card of a Board.
  • No student who fails in all compulsory & elective subjects or fails twice in the same examination shall be re-admitted in any of the colleges affiliated to the University; such a student will appear as private candidate in the capacity of a late college student or through correspondence. However, such a student can change only the faculty.
  • A candidate who has passed/cleared all the five papers including English from the National Open School, New Delhi is eligible to take admission in T.D.C. Part-1. A candidate failed in anyone subject, out of five subjects is not eligible for admission as per University Ordinance.
  • In case there is a lapse of one year or more than one year (intervening period between leaving the Institution last attended and the date of admission), the student must bring a certificate from Magistrate 1st class or President of Municipal Committee/Panchayat Prandhan to this effect.
  • College dues once paid shall not be refund/readjusted.
  • All admission will be made on the basis of Roll-On scheme for candidate whose result have not been declared. Thus a student who has appeared in TDC-1 will seek admission to TDC-II, etc. If he/she passes in the lower exam, his/her admission to higher class will continue as such; otherwise on failing, he/she will be reverted to the lower class (as per University eligibility norms). This scheme has been he/she will be reverted to the lower class (as per University eligibility norms). This scheme has been approved with the consent of all college Principals/HPU by the Hon’ble Director of Higher Education. To avoid any confusion among student as also to ensure class room instruction at the earliest (21st of June 2013)
  • Any change regarding the rules governing admissions shall be duly notified on the Notice Board.
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